Tuesday, March 29, 2011

If I say honey you say cow!
Well hello there! It's tuesday, and stuff happened today. Some of the stuff involved realistic death of close friends. Woo-hoo(sarcamsarcamsarcam). Well today at my school was the "every 15 minutes event where they "kill" someone every 15 minutes. Pretty intense stuff. And in not horribly boring news, 30 DAYS OF GEEK IS THIS FRIDAY! W00t w00t! It's gunna be über epic! :3 I'm excited about showing off, and being proud of my SUPER ÜBER AWESOME EPIC NERDY GEEKNESS!!!
not that I'm not already, just I get to be geeky 30 days in a row and hopefuls no one will
Complain, hopefully. Oooooooo and I'm also excited about WWDC cause I am apparently an iOS developer so I might get to go! :D exciting huh?

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